I personally prefer sticky and only slightly chewy flapjack and could never work out why mine was never as nice as the stuff I bought from Marks and Spencer, so I had a look at the label and noticed it has condensed milk in. The next time I made my usual recipe, I added a generous slug of condensed milk and ta da! It's amazing, even if I do say so myself.
150g salted butter
170g light brown soft sugar
2 heaped tablespoons golden syrup
100g condensed milk (about 1/4 can)
250g oats
1. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees C and line a 8 inch square pan with baking parchment.
2. Gently melt together the butter, sugar, syrup and condensed milk in a medium pan over a low heat. Do not allow to boil!
3. Take off the heat, stir the oats through and press into the pan, spreading evenly. Make sure you lick the spoon - it's good even before it's cooked!
4. Bake for 10-15 minutes until lightly golden on top then allow to cool completely before slicing into pieces.
Feel free to add chocolate, nuts, dried fruit. The first time I made this I added a big handful of sour dried cherries and chocolate chips and that was really good.