Sunday, 11 April 2010

Birthday party

My family came over to my flat this weekend for a little birthday party. I decided to go for something easy with minimal preparation: roast chicken, a green salad, a potato salad, cous cous, bean salad, crisps and dips, olives and bread.

I bought the biggest free range chicken I could find in Tesco and it was lovely - made the flat smell gorgeous as well! I cook chicken very simply - a lemon cut in half and put inside, and salt and pepper on the outside. When basted the lemony juices make the skin crisp and caramelised.

For pudding we had cupcakes that Neil and I had made the night before, half with raspberry buttercream and half with orange flavoured glace icing and sprinkles. We won £10 from a new tub of sugar strands as well! I treated myself to a new piping set which was very easy to use - Neil had a lot of fun with it. It's dishwasherable as well - otherwise it would be a nightmare to clean!

My sister made me an amazing cake as a birthday present - Pingu! It was a (dairy free) chocolate and vanilla marble cake with chocolate buttercream filling.

Unfortunately now everyone has gone I'm left with 2/3 of the pingu cake to eat by myself - I might have to take it into work tomorrow and let the nurses help me.


  1. Your sister is awesome. That is the cutest Pingu cake!

  2. Looks Fab ! Send my love to the kids XD X.x
