Friday, 9 April 2010


Hi, I'm Anna, I'm 27 and I love food.

I haven't always loved food, I was a particularly fussy child and went through a phase of eating only Heinz tomato soup and chocolate digestives. I refused to eat any vegetables until I was 10. As a result my growth was stunted and my younger sisters all tower over me.

However in the last 2 years I have started to discover a love for food; last year I discovered asparagus and ate almost nothing else until the British season was over. The year before it was rhubarb. And broccoli. And peas.

I love baking in particular, and anything chocolatey or cinnamony is just heaven to me. I intermittently have a dairy intolerance and so I spend quite a bit of time experimenting with making dairyfree food - the latest success story being a dairy free cheesecake.

This blog is intended to inspire me to step out of my comfort zone with food and push me to try new things, hopefully I will manage to keep it up!


  1. How did you do a dairy free cheesecake!!!??? That's amazing! I'm trying to stay off dairy as it aggitates my eczema.

  2. Pure make dairy free cream cheese - it tastes a bit odd by itself but mixed with icing sugar and flavouring it's not too bad. I used vanilla but I think something stronger like lemon or lime would work better. It's quite sloppy so it had to go into the freezer to set. And I used hobnobs for the base as they're dairy free!
